Thursday, September 27, 2007


CESL Newstalk
Wal-Mart & Unions Survey (__ m __ f)

Thank you for helping us with this survey!

1. Do you like to go shopping at Wal-Mart? ___ Yes ___ No

2. How often do you go? ___ >once a day
___ once a day
___ 2-6X a week
___once a week
___less than once a week

3. What is the most important advantage of Wal-Mart??
___ cheap
___ always open
___ free parking
___ stocks everything
___ close to home

4. Do you think Wal-Mart will continue its success?
___ Yes ___ No

5. Would you want to work at Wal-Mart? ___ Yes ___ No

6. Do you think Wal-Mart treats employees fairly?
___ Yes ___ No

7. Do you think Wal-Mart should accept a union? ___ Yes ___ No

8. Would you pay more at Wal-Mart, if you knew employees were making more money?
___ Yes ___ No

9. Are you a member of a union? ___ Yes ___ No

10. Would you join a union? ___ Yes ___ No

11. Do you think health insurance is more important than higher salary?

___ Yes ___ No

12. Do you think Wal-Mart is good for the US? ___ Yes ___ No

Why or why not?

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