Saturday, October 6, 2007

About survey

We, news talk group A, practiced a survey about Walmart & Unions. Our group consists of 7 students and took charge of 8 survey papers for Americans. The purpose of this survey was to know their thinking about Walmart & Unions. Most survey is worked in student center which has many opportunities to meet American people. In my case, I met 8 students in front of Starbucks. All was very kind for my request, and serious to answer on paper. A final result, 58 people participated in survey (28 male, 30 female). Some interesting results were that males’ most important advantage of Walmart is cheap prices, on the other hand females’ opinion was free parking and close to home. In addition even though 44 people answered that Walmart does not treat employees fairly, 34 persons do not want to spend more money for them, if employees were making more money.

According to the result of survey, many people have inconsistent thinking and attitude about Walmart. Because they are mostly positive as customers despite of saying Walmart’s disadvantages, however they do not want be a member of Walmart. It is a natural result in the capitalistic economic system. Although 55 persons said Walmart will continue its success, the other 55 people answered they do not want work at Walmart even though 47 persons are positive about acceptance a union. Therefore it is difficult to solve a problem between Walmart and union. It depends on individual situation. In my case, I heard many bad things about Walmart, but I still go there, because it is my preference. If people are really critic about Walmart, they must not use Walmart. Yet they do.

By Yehun

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